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All the student (university programs) of Sarvodaya college are eligible for state and central government jobs.
Information technology has potential to absorb 9.5 million people by 2011. According to the ministry of information technology, there will no short fall of IT man power supplytill 20011. On the demand side it has work out figure of 33.67 lakh in three categories 5.5 lakh in software products 8.77 lakh in IT services and sector in every year. Though the current slow down has affected these figure jobs are expected to touch 6.2 million by 2011. IT enabled Services- The NASSCOM-Mckinsey’s December 99 india report estimites that by the year 2011.IT enabled services such as call agents and medical out of 930000 entry level jobs (including E-commerce, IT enabled services ,ancillary jobs and hardware, 500000 lakhs are candidate with in user skills. According to NASSCOM-EVERST india BPO Study“ the Indian BPO sector has evolved tremendously since its inception , not onlu in its size but also in terms of maturity – service lines , service delivery capability and foot prints. This USS 11 billion industry today employs more than 700000 people across 25 countries and accounts for approximately 40 % of global BPO off shore market there by creating huge job opportunities and impacting the economy. The future potential is given larger. This study not only estimates the opportunities ahead but also lays down specific agenda for all stake holders to help achives this.”After completions the university courses Student can get great ability to achieve a fruitful job . They can get some special kind of jobs which are given bellow.

Sl No. Name of job / Post Qualification *Salary Sector *After 3 years Experince *After 10 years Experince Nature of Job
1 Software Engineer BCA MCA 20000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected To design ,Develop and maintain the software
2 System Designer BCA MCA 20000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected To take care of design aspect of software development
3 System Analyst MCA / MBA(IT) 20000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected In software houses Conseltecy firm to handle phases of analsis and design in software development responsibilites
4 System Programmer BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
5 Database Administrator BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected For management and.
6 Programmer BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
7 Application programmer BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
8 Analist programmer BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
9 Software Developer BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
10 Marketing Manager BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
11 Personal Manager BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
12 Finance manager BCA / MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.
13 Faculty Trainer BCA/ MCA 30000/- Public/ Private 50000/- Unexpected R & D initiates to write and develop system softwares.